VERSIONS/VB 1.1 - README.TXT - DEMO COPY Copyright (c) 1992-1994 StarBase Corporation Portions Copyright (c) 1994 Apex Software Corporation Portions Copyright (c) 1994 Alexander Riedel Information Systems ___________________________________________________________________________ This file contains information that was not available when the documentation and on-line help were written. We have also included important information that should be read during installation. For information regarding installation, see the section called "INSTALLATION" in the "Important Information" section below. (also see here for DEMO installation) For information regarding running under Windows NT, see the section called "WINDOWS NT" in the "Important Information" section below. For information regarding operation, requirements, warranty, and technical support please refer to the help file VERSVB.HLP. For information regarding removing the demo, see the section called "UNINSTALLING" in the "Important Information" section below. For information regarding the purchase of the full commercial product, see "DISTRIBUTORS" at the end of this file. =================== Last Minute Updates =================== Note the following corrections to the printed documentation: Part QS: Versions/VB Quick Start Making a Change.................................QS-4 The View Form toolbar button is incorrectly displayed as the VB New Form toolbar button. Checking Out a File Version.....................QS-8 The View Form toolbar button is incorrectly displayed as the VB New Form toolbar button. Part 2: Getting Started Versions/VB Overview............................2-4 Figure 2.1, the View Form and View Code toolbar buttons are incorrectly displayed as the VB New Form and New Code toolbar buttons. The Versions/VB ToolBar.........................2-8 The View Form and View Code toolbar buttons are incorrectly displayed as the VB New Form and New Code toolbar buttons. Part 3: Working with File Versions Checking In File................................3-2 Figure 3.1, the View Form and View Code toolbar buttons are incorrectly displayed as the VB New Form and New Code toolbar buttons. ===================== Important Information ===================== ------------ INSTALLATION - - - - - - - - - -READ THIS SECTION - - - - - - - - - ------------ Installing VERSIONS/VB DEMP COPY Installing the DEMO version. make the following directory:- c:\disk1 and put the unzipped files into it. and run setup from there. Follow the installation instructions on the screen To install and run VERSIONS/VB, you must be running Microsoft Windows in standard or enhanced mode. For more information on standard and enhanced modes, see your Microsoft Windows User Guide. The VERSIONS/VB installation program creates the VERSIONS/VB Windows Program Manager group. At this point, VERSIONS/VB is successfully installed. You also need to add a line to your AUTOEXEC.BAT file letting VERSIONS/VB know what your name is prior to starting VERSIONS/VB for the first time: 1. Determine what your Microsoft Mail for Windows name is (If you are not using Microsoft Mail, skip this step). This is not your login ID, but how your name appears in the Microsoft Mail Post Office, including spelling and capitalization (e.g. Jon Marinello). If you do not know how your name appears in Mail, start Mail, bring up the Address dialog, and locate your name. 2. Enter the set command "SET VERSIONSFULLNAME=my name" where my name is replaced by your name (determined in step 1 if you use Microsoft Mail, otherwise just enter your name e.g., Jon Marinello). This step is required. VERSIONS/VB will not run until you complete this step and step 3. 3. Exit Windows and restart your system prior to starting VERSIONS/VB. To get started using VERSIONS/VB see Getting Started. Be sure to read the remainder of this file for any last minute updates not included in the on-line help or printed documentation. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - READ SECTION ABOVE - - - - - - - - - - - - --------------------------------------- COMPUSERVE STARBASE FORUM NOW AVAILABLE --------------------------------------- StarBase has just opened our new CompuServe forum. To access this forum, Send an email message to John Hawkins [74431,1107] requesting access. Then type "GO STARBASE" at the CompuServe prompt. The StarBase forum provides technical support, important new product announcements and upgrade information, as well as useful "Tips and Techniques" to use with VERSIONS/VB 1.1. ---------- WINDOWS NT ---------- VERSIONS/VB 1.1 runs on Microsoft Windows NT 3.1 as a 16 bit Windows 3.1 application. Windows NT 3.1 is a modular operating system that uses a Windows 3.1 operating subsystem to run Windows 3.1 applications. This operating subsystem provides an operating environment for applications such as VERSIONS/VB 1.1. The following inconsistencies have been detected under NT 3.1 due to the idiosyncrasies of this Windows 3.1 operating subsystem: 1) After comparing two versions of a file, Visual Basic does not always remain the top most window. If this occurs, click on a Visual Basic window or use the Alt-Tab key to switch back to Visual Basic. 2) Compression of a Project Milestone archive is disabled under Windows NT due to problems with tracking task handles of 16 bit MS-DOS applications (e.g., COMPRESS.EXE) launched from VERSIONS/VB. If you want your Project Milestone archive compressed under NT, you will have to perform the compression manually using whatever compression utility you prefer. ----------- LIMITATIONS ----------- 1. Only files that are allowed in a Visual Basic project (forms, modules, VBX and DLL files) are candidates for version control. This is because VERSIONS/VB uses the Visual Basic project file as the VERSIONS project definition. If you want to do version control of other files (project plans, designs, online help, typeset documentation, tests, etc.) you may purchase VERSIONS 1.1 separately from StarBase Corporation. Call us at (714) 442-4400. 2. Visual Basic caches forms and modules if enough memory is available. This can lead to a minor problem if you check out a version of a form or module that is different from the one cached in memory. To refresh the cache, simply reopen the project using the File => Open Project... menu item. 3. The Working and Versions directories must be a subdirectory, e.g., C:\MYPROJ instead of C:\. All Visual Basic files that are added to a VERSIONS/VB project must also be stored in subdirectories. 4. Only one instance of VERSIONS/VB may run at a time on any given machine. 5 The Edit window (used for History, and Project Reporting) is limited to 55,534 bytes of data. However, the effective limit is actually somewhat smaller and varies from machine to machine. 6. Versions/VB does not allow duplicate file names in a Versions/VB project definition. If you add duplicate file names, all version control capabilities will be disabled. -------------------------- MICROSOFT MAIL FOR WINDOWS -------------------------- VERSIONS/VB will automatically detect the presence of Microsoft Mail for Windows and attempt to log in if no other process (Microsoft Mail, Microsoft Schedule+, etc.) is already logged in. If some other process is already logged into mail, VERSIONS/VB will attach itself to that session's connection. It is usually more convenient to log into mail from Microsoft Mail for Windows and leave it running, then start and stop VERSIONS/VB as desired. Otherwise, you will have to log into mail each time you start VERSIONS/VB.To disable the connection to Microsoft Mail, rename MAPI.DLL to MAPIDLL.BAK. --------------------- Your Computer's Clock --------------------- VERSIONS/VB determines files that need to be checked in or checked out based on your computer's clock and the date and time stamp of your Working and Versions files. It is extremely important that the date and time on your computer is set correctly for VERSIONS/VB to function properly. If you are working on a network, each project member's clock setting must be in sync with yours. We recommend using whatever service your network server supports for synchronizing all workstation clocks. ------- Backups ------- It is extremely important that you maintain regular backups of all your files. This includes VERSIONS/VB files stored either locally or on your network server. Please don't use VERSIONS/VB as a substitute for regular backups. ------------ UNINSTALLING ------------ The versvb.ini file should be deleted from the windows dir The vershook.dll should be deleted from the windows system dir All the other file maybe deleted from the VERSIONS/VB dir default \versvb ------------ DISTRIBUTORS ------------ United States Catalog Resellers Programmer's Paradise 800-445-7899 Programmer's Shop 800-421-8006 Provantage 800-336-1166 Programmers Warehouse 800-323-1809 MicroWareHouse 800-367-7080 Corporate Resellers 800 Software 800-888-4880 Software Spectrum 800-624-0503 Canada Developer's Workshop 416-363-8995 INTERNATIONAL RESELLERS Contact one of the following to order StarBase software COUNTRY COMPANY Australia MicroWay Pty Ltd. 010-61-3-580-1338 010-61-3-580-8995 FAX Denmark Ravenholm Computing 010-45-4488-9900 010-45-4488-9988 FAX France Techno Direct 010-331-40-99-28-28 010-331-40-99-28-88 FAX Germany Programmer’s Shop 010-49-231-1768-0 010-49-231-1768-16 FAX Germany Programmer’s Paradise 010-49-81-21-79073 010-49-81-21-76566 FAX Italy Programmer’s Paradise 010-39-2-96700409 010-39-2-96702855 FAX Netherlands Lemax 010-31-20-659-8701 010-31-20-659-6856 FAX 100012,1760 CompuServe New Zealand Essentially Software 010-64-4 385-7906 010-64-4 382-8591 FAX Spain Rambla Informatica 010-34-3-540-29-82 010-34-3-540-30-95 FAX 72251,1775 Compuserve Sweden LinSoft AB 010-46-13-111-588 010-46-13-152-429 FAX Switzerland bbi software gmbh 010-41-65-271-661 010-41-65-271-668 FAX 100120,3726 CompuServe United Kingdom BIU Ltd. (OK Partners) European Head Office 010-44 (0)1342 850930 010-44 (0)1342 850917 FAX 100321,3307 CompuServe This distributor list is correct as of November 1994. If you would like to become a pro-active dealer for StarBase in Europe and outside the US please contact BIU in the UK. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> YOU MAY COPY THE DEMO VERSION FREELY <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< StarBase Corporation Telephone 0101-(714)-442-4400